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Project You + Me: 20 Months

You: Oh my Lizzy Grace. You are such a big girl these days!! I drove you to a friend's house this morning and the whole way there you counted: "one, tee, fife, semmen, eight. I did it!" It about made me cry I was laughing so hard. You like to eat yogurt and granola for breakfast. You call it "yoyo and gawa." You adore your Grandma, Papa, and Riley (the dog). You constantly ask for Mama. You smile at everyone and say "Hi!" and "Bye bye! See you later!" and "I love you!" all while blowing kisses. You also say "Pweese" and "Tank you!" all the time. You weren't a fan of the snow. I think I had you a bit too bundled...but you were soooo cute. You love playdoh. You can't get enough M&Ms (which you call nom noms). You love babies and you like to point to their eyes, nose, mouth, etc. You give the most darling little kisses. You repeat absolutely everything. You ask for coffee on a daily basis. You say, "Much, much better." You can do so much now. I love it, but it makes a me a little bit sad too. I loved the baby you were and the big girl you are becoming.

Our first science center trip was a HUGE hit. You had so much fun. You insisted on bringing your babydoll along...which of course I then carried the whole time.

Building with you-sized blocks.

Annnnd the water table. You were SOAKED.

Me: I'm almost 28! It's weird. Cool, but weird. I'm trying to decide if it will be possible to turn my etsy shop into a real job. I want to do it, but it's kinda scary too. I hope that God's direction for that is really clear in this. I need a hair cut (nothing new there). I'm really looking forward to my sister coming home in a few days and then moving back in May! I can't wait for my Lizzy to get to know her Auntie Kati and Uncle Jon. I'm thrilled to not have to travel for Christmas. I'm stressed about buying Christmas presents. I want to get the coolest, best presents for everyone I love so much, and I get overwhelmed. I made Jimi pick out his own present because I couldnt' decide...oops.

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