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(November) Second Thoughts

Whew. It's been a day. Actually, it's mostly just been an evening. And it's only 7:30. This is the second time in two days that I've had a knock-down, drag-out fight with my toddler over eating. She refuses to eat. And she's hungry. I know she is.

Yesterday it was over avocado. One of her favorite foods. She needed to take one more bite before she could leave the table. She threw it on the floor and went to time out. We came back and she wailed. She finally took the bite (MOM FOR THE WIN!) and then liked it so much she gobbled the rest up., I went into the fight with a little more confidence because of yesterday's win. did not go so well. There were many tears. Several time outs. One bite of cracker. And that was it. As Jimi said, "No one goes hungry in a day." But my heart sure hurts over a 30 minute battle. She's sleeping peacefully now and I'm glad for that, but the thought of that sweet little tummy being hungry makes me a little teary eyed.

I know it's not possible to reason with a toddler. It's not even possible to BRIBE my toddler yet...girl don't know whats good... But that sure doesn't stop me from trying. One of these days I'll figure this stage out and then she'll be 15 and wanting to drive. Dang it.

Other November 2nd thoughts-

I'm looking for the right sized hair-tie. Yup. I believe my current amount of hair is scientifically described as: "Too much for 3 times around, too little for 2 times." If you have any suggestions, let me know. I've broken two hair-ties in the last two days trying to give them the extra twist.

Bangs or no bangs? The real question though is, "Will I actually get them trimmed?" I like the way I look with bangs...but even though I can get them trimmed for $5 in 5 minutes...I'm a tad lazy in this department.

I've now seen every adorable picture of every toddler/baby in a Halloween costume. Seriously, you name it, I've seen it. Handmade with months and months of crafting. And my kid? Welllll...I had every intention of having her wear a homemade dinosaur tail (it was even already finished!) and making an adorable sweatshirt with the dino spikes to go with it...but baby girl wanted to be "Super super zoom zoom!" (in her own words). So my kid was Captain America with a Super Man cape and a pink penguin light-up sword. No Pinterest points, but I surely get something for the fact that she actually said, "zoom zoom!" right?

My husband makes a pretty good Aladdin, dontcha think? Minus the beard. I told him that the Prince of Thieves didn't have a beard. He didn't seem to care...

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