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Snacks for Bee

Confession: Somedays, my child's diet consists mostly of cheese crackers. Ah! No! But yes. It's true.

There is nothing that makes my baby happier than being able to walk around with a little container of cheese crackers. She lays on the floor and noms her crackers. She plays with her toys and noms her crackers. And seeing her so pleased makes me smile...and allows me to get some things done.

However, I'm well aware that a diet of cheese crackers doesn't make for a healthy baby. So, I'm trying to find new, healthy snacks that my kiddo might like.

I have a few requirements:

1. No cookies cutters required. Sorry, but I'm not making my own goldfish. At least not in the shape of goldfish.

2. Portable. Like I said, Lizzy likes to snack on the go.

3. And therefore, not messy. Because carpet. Gah.

4. Healthy.

5. Not choke-able. Lizzy still has trouble chewing hard things. So things like raw carrots would be a no-go. That girl has a mouthfull of teeth, but hasn't quite figured out how to use them yet.

Here's what I plan to try:

Cucumber, melon, blackberry finger salad. I can even use my cucumbers from the garden. Peeled and cut small enough, I think Lizzy would be down. (The blackberries might stay at the highchair.) I love everything at Babyfoodie. She has the best ideas.

Other things I want to try:

Dried Fruit Mix- Basically candy. I mean, comeon.

Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies- I could make little bite-size cookies. If I'm feeling patient. Or maybe Lizzy can help? Eh? No?

Check out all her toddler recipes here!

Roasted Chickpeas. These seem like they could be a hit. Crunchy, but not too hard, put-in-snack-container-able, easy to make. Flavor combos are endless too.

Baked apple rings. I could cut these into bite-size pieces so she can pull them out one at at time.

There are so many ideas, but it's easy to get stuck in a cheese cracker rut. I want healthy eating to be something normal and easy for Lizzy as she grows older, so I need to put in the effort now and not cave to the $1.59 bags of snacks at the grocery store.

I'll be posting more about healthy snacks and my eventual efforts to include Lizzy in healthy eating. My first goal/goal for Jimi (sorry babe) is a learning tower. I'm so excited for Lizzy to be able to "help."

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