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Project You + Me 16 Months

You: 16 months. How did that happen?? How did I completely forget about your 15 month well-baby appointment until just now? oops. Guess I'll make that call. Your personality is just blossoming. You are picking up speed and independence and you like to try everything. Except moving water. That's still a no-go. You love stealing fresh tomatoes out of the garden. You call your grandpa "Bapa." You are all floppy in the morning. It's so funny. I pick you up out of your crib and you insist on being held for at least 5 minutes before you will even try to sit by yourself. You're brave and funny and sweet. Your hair is almost long enough for a little bitty ponytail. You're learning to feed yourself with a fork/fling food with a fork. You aren't a big fan of meat. You like to chew it and then give it back. Thanks for that. You try to climb everything. You can get your little foot clear up by your head. It's impressive! Your "cheese" face gets better everyday. You love sand. You LOVE rocks. You try to say "elephant." You know a whole bunch of animal noises. You say water "WATTAH!" all the time. You blow kisses like a champ. You don't have a favorite blanket or stuffed have snack containers. Your favorite thing is to walk around with a little tupperware full of cheese crackers. Amazing.

Me: Summer is wonderful. I'm already sad that it will be leaving soon. Though I love fall too and I'm always thrilled when the next season arrives. I'm realizing how deeply ingrained old habits are and how hard it is to make new habits. I managed to make it through 20 days of the Whole 30 before we went on vacation and the stress of it got to me. I thought I could keep going (at least somewhat.) Nope. Back to normal in 2 seconds. I'm trying to make yoga a habit. I do enjoy it so much, but its a lot easier to sink back to just watching TV in the evenings. I do best when I manage to get my rear in gear in the morning. Which is difficult when we've watched TV all evening. Speaking of TV- new favorite show! Justified on AmazonPrime. Ah! So good! So bad! But so good! I've been working on a braided rug while sitting around, that's fun. I'm also trying to get the etsy store up and running. Life is good. I am so blessed.

Tomato theif! You have a mouth full of tomato right here.

Daddy took you climbing at the park. You look like a total pro right here.


And a little hair sprout!

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