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Project You + Me: 15 months

You: Are 15 months old. I'm not sure how that happened, but I know nobody asked me for my permission for you to grow up! You're getting so so big! And so smart. And so FAST. Dang kid. Those little stutter steps have turned into the cutest little run I ever did see. You know lots of animal sounds. My favorite is the rooster. You get a little ooo face and say, "doodle doo!" I try to get you to do it all the time. Sorry. You also know: lion (rawr), cat, dog, monkey, owl, cow, sheep, horse, probably more I can't remember at the moment. Your favorite word is "outside." 100X a day. Outside. I'm pretty pleased you're becoming such a little nature girl. You are not a big fan of meat. You just chew it and spit it back out. Yuck. You went swimming for the first time. You weren't so much a fan. But you'll get there I'm sure. You looked soooo adorable if nothing else! You are love and joy my dear. Your giggle is fantastic. I LOVE being your mama.

Me: Just working away! I took on a few too many projects all at once which is a little more stressful than I'd like- especially right before vacation next week. It'll be ok though! I'm working on my etsy store and finally decided on a name! Woo! I'm worried about the world you're going to grow up in. Just remember, my dear, no matter what, the Bible is truth and has everything you need to live a beautiful life. (Not an easy life, but one that brings glory to Him.) I want to be a great mother. I want to fill your days with educational activities and art projects...and stickers. But right now you're content with the drawer filled with plastic bottles in the kitchen. I just worry about holding you back. I want so much for you. I have so much love for you. But God has so much more love. And where I lack patience his abounds. Where I lack grace, he gives abundantly. Whew.

You're finally digging the dino tail I made for you! Yay!

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