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Food is Fuel not Friends.

So. Whole 30. Yup. How's it going? Well, it's still going! So that's something!

It feels good to be doing something healthy. I can't say I feel much different yet, but I really felt fine before too. I'm definitely making healthier choices and it's crazy to me to be able to say that I haven't eaten a single processed or sugar laden thing in 15 days!

There is definitely a chance that I've had an unintentional slip up (No, my face didn't fall in a box of donuts), but none that I actually know of. There could have been something in the food I've eaten that I didn't realize. Meat is especially tricky, but that's another story.

My mantra has been "Food is fuel, not friends."

Which reminds me of Finding Nemo.

Which makes me laugh.

I don't know that I'm a particularly emotional eater, but I do tend to over eat whenever the food is out at parties or get togethers. I need to eat then put it away. Or I'll just snack and snack and snack. I also tend to do the "Well, I had a ____ day, so I deserve _____." Whether its a good, bad, or tiring day, I tend to think I deserve whatever I'm craving. The Whole 30 has been a good reminder that I don't need to reward or comfort myself with food.

The results so far are inconclusive. Still got zits. Maybe even worse than when I started. But I also got good old aunt flo, so maybe that's why. I've definitely lost some weight, but I have no clue how much cuz I didn't weigh myself before I started. I did take a picture...that I'll probably never post, but it's fun to see!

I'm not quite sure yet what I'll do when we go on vacation in a little over a week. The whole 30 days won't be up yet, but I also know that I'm doing this for me, not just to hit a certain mark. I think I'll probably do my best, but not annoy the crap out of people if we go to a restaurant or something. I just want to eat consciously and in moderation.

On a completely unrelated note- I was doing yoga the other day and the instructor kept talking about the Mulabanda- which I think has something to do with pelvic floor muscles? And I just can't hold it together. Mulabanda. Mulabanda. Shake your Mulabanda. Gah. Yeah, there goes my focus. Me and my mulabanda are gonna go laugh in the corner for a while. Mulabanda. It gets better the more you say it. Do it. Do it now.

It's a good thing my yoga classes are online. Or I'd be sitting with a dunce cap writing "I will not laugh at my Mulabanda" on a chalkboard.

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