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Project You + Me

You: You are 14 months old. Woah there with the growing, kid. Just woah there. You like corn when mommy holds it for you. You're the cutest kid in the whole world (not that I'm partial or anything). You're ALMOST walking. So so so close! It's really all mental at this point I think. When you aren't paying attention, or if you're being cheered on, or holding a book or something you walk all over the place. I can't wait to hear your little feet padding around the house. (Though I know I'm going to have to start really keeping a close eye on you then!) You still cross your ankles when you sit in your high chair. You have sooo many teeth. All of them up to your one-year molars. You've been a real champ with teething too. You can sit by yourself for such a long time and play. You like to narrate whatever you're doing. You LOVE rocks. (You call them balls). You love yogurt, cheese (still) FISH (say whaat?) and you've decided strawberries are ok (you hated them for months). Oh. And ice cream is your favorite. You'll dance for it. Not that we make you do that...mmmm...yup.

Me: I'm working on getting an Etsy shop up and running! Sewing and sewing and sewing. Daddy and I have been talking a lot about some hard decisions with grad school, work, life in general. No final decisions yet. Gah. (This makes your planner mommy a little bonkers). We're working on lots of house projects and have a plan going for a butterfly garden and much more in the backyard! It's going to be the coolest thing ever and I'm going to build you a secret fairy garden in it. (The little kid in me is jumping up and down and squealing right now!!) I need to start getting up earlier so I work out or something...but that's just not fun. It's way more fun to stay up too late and watch Agents of SHIELD with your daddy. Turns out I'm a pretty big Marvel Comic freak. Who knew? (I know where all the infinity stones are. Yes. I do. And I'm not ashamed). I love you and your daddy more than anything.

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