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This post is kind of random assortment- a grab bag if you will, of the life happenings lately.

First, a throw back. To the long ago days (last week) when it was warm and I got to see and kiss that sweet baby skin in the most adorable of little rompers. (I just love love love rompers). That hair! Those legs! That soft perfect skin!

Lizzy will be extra motivated to learn to walk this summer. She is not a fan of her knees on the floor. She is however a fan of....

HUMMUS. My oh my do we love hummus. We do not get dipping. Dipping doesn't happen. She just tries to pick it up. Hence disaster zone.

Jimi and I got out in the garden and did some work. It was lovely. Potatoes, onions, and snap peas are in!

It was Easter! We are so blessed and so loved by our Savior.

Then it got cold again. And we beat our heads against the miniature stroller. Like this.

And I've been busy. I designed these Essential Oil clutches. It's been a fun experiment! They have slots that hold the oils secure and it's padded to protect them. Keep your eyes open, there are more things to come...possibly including an Etsy shop...whaaaaat?? Shhh...

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