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Merry Christmas and Project You + Me

I can hardly believe it's my baby girl's first Christmas! We celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve with my mom's side of the family and then drove home today. It was really a pretty great day. Lizzy was amazing as always. We'll head to my parent's house first thing in the morning for another Christmas tomorrow :) Little girl doesn't quite have the whole present opening thing down...she just chews the paper. But she's sure pleased with herself. What a cutie pie.

It's been interesting this season- trying to balance wanting to go all out with limited time and budget and realizing that it's probably better to just enjoy our baby instead of trying to make things perfect.

We'll take more Christmasey pictures tomorrow, but here are some from bathtime tonight. Lizzy is brushing her teeth with her My Little Pony tooth brush. So sweet.


You: You are 9 months old TODAY! On Christmas! You are pure joy and you are really developing a fantastic personality. You've started waving and saying what sounds like "Hey! Hi! Hi!" You smile so big and you giggle sweetly.

You've had some really funny moments lately. We went out for my birthday and you were sitting by your daddy. He was being naughty and gave you a fork to play with. As he handed it to you, he says, "Oh, look a sharp pointy thing that you shouldn't play with! Here you go!" and no sooner does he hand it to you than you throw it back and poke him in the eye and he says, "OH! MY EYE!" Luckily he was just fine, but we sure got a good giggle.

You have several more teeth coming in, but you've been a total champ.

We went to a Christmas Eve service and you were singing along with the carols...and through the scripture readings. It was halarious. You LOVED the candles at the end. You were just mesmerized by them.


Me: It's amazing to be your mom and to see both the beautiful and the ugly inside me. I was thinking about how sometimes when people get old, they get bitter or mean- even if they were never that way when they were younger. I think it might be because God wasn't allowed into every part of their hearts and so now that they aren't as good at keeping their "guard up" those things from their innermost parts come out. I don't want to be like that one day. I want God to take all those ugly things away so that I can glorify Him all my days.

I decided to trim my own bangs...can you tell? I got a new laptop at work- that's neat. Umm...basically I'm so content. I love where I am and who I get to be.


I've never seen a more beautiful, clean, happy baby :) Merry Christmas my dear, dear child.


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