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Project You + Me

You: Are eight whole months old today! You say "Da Da" all the time and you whisper and tell secrets. You give great big gooey open mouth kisses. You have the best "cheese" face. You smile so hard it literally makes a squeaky noise. For real. You can crawl and scoot and roll, and today when I walked away you went from your back to sitting. Of course I missed it. Stinker. You are my happy. You love life and are just the most joy-filled babe I have ever seen.


Me: I am learning to be kind to myself. I'm trying the best I can, but I still mess up sometimes, and that's ok. I will be 27 in less than two weeks. Weird! My bangs need a trim. I am in awe of the Lord and how he chose me to be your mom. Half the time I still can't believe you're real! I think I will always feel this way. I don't mind one bit that you like to go to bed at 6:30. Truth be told, I love to stay home at night. I can do my projects and watch Gilmore Girls with your dad (who likes Gilmore Girls...hehehe). I've been realizing how much I love to work with my hands and make things. Being creative is so fulfilling.


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